Below you can read the benefits of using MyChoice.
Generate extra revenue
By selling PIN codes you allow patients access to a certain channel package. A patient can choose between a basic and premium package.
This allows you to generate extra revenue to cover your initial investment for TVs in the rooms.
Low total cost of ownership, because you only have to replace the TV's with Philips MyChoice TV's.
Patient comfort
Easy access using a PIN code.
24/7 possibility to buy a PIN code.
Price that is more than affordable (depending on available TV channels).
PIN code available for 1, 3, 7, 14 or 28 days.
MyChoice is a secure system, similar to the systems banks are currently using.
The possibility to buy and watch regular TV channels and/or quality 'Premium' TV channels such as international sports, movies and music channels from their hospital bed.
Energy friendly LED TVs will save up to 25 Euros per TV per year
See what you save and know that every TV, in every room, every year costs you less.
Uses already existing infrastructure and channel line-up
Trusted technology
Works in every hospital, elderly home, rehabilitation centre, holiday park or hotel using existing infrastructure and your existing channel line up.
Future proof (marketing) concept is driven and owned by Philips
Code handling is controlled by Philips
Ability to copy settings of other TVs (like menu blocking, volume control, etc.)
The system is easy to install which saves man hours, making hospitals, rehabilitation centres, elderly homes, hotels and/or system integrators more efficient in installing and controlling Philips (MyChoice) TV systems
Energy saving
High grade quality materials
White and black
Multiple sizes
Thin LED dimensions
Interested in MyChoice?
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